NaamMaria (Jacobse) Schartsen 1, V
Geb. datumca 1661
Geb. plaatsNeder-betuwe
Overl. datumca 1744 Leeftijd: 83
Overl. plaatsNeder-betuwe
Geb. datum7 aug 1659
Geb. plaatsAchterberg, Nederland
Overl. datumca 1728 Leeftijd: 68
Overl. plaatsNeder-betuwe
Huw. datum8 nov 1685
Huw. plaatsNeder-betuwe
Gezins ID3178
Notitie behorende bij Maria (Jacobse) Schartsen
Notitie behorende bij Rem Rijcken (Partner 1)
Hij is getrouwd met Maria (Jacobse) Schartsen op 8 november 1685 te Neder-Betuwe, Netherlands[ Bron 3 ].
Marriage Banns on Oct. 18, 1685 and the following three Sundays in Achterberg (Reenen), Ochten and Lienden.
Notities bij Rem Rijcken van den Bergh
According to the marriage notes from the "Hervormde Kerk" in Ochten, Rem Rijcken was born in a town called Achterberg(en), which is located in the municipality of Rheenen, province of Utrecht. A baptism record of a Rem, son of Rijck Wertjens (the only Rem recorded) was found in the church records of the Nederlands Hervormde Kerk in Rhenen, dated August 7, 1659. Achterberg is about 10 kilometers from Ochten, on foot it would take from 2 - 3 hours. Rem married Maria Jacobse "j"(onge) "d"(ochter) = maiden, from Ochten. The required marriage banns were posted in Ochten, Rheenen and Lienden. Maria's name is also written as Mereken or Mariken on some documents, as well as the name Artsen (or possibly Schartsen) behind the J. for Jacobse (Jacobs daughter). After their marriage in 1685, Rem and Maria made Profession of Faith in the Hervormde Kerk in Ochten on April 2, 1686. He became a deacon on January 1, 1696 and was installed as elder on January 1, 1712 in this church. Rem and his wife Mariken Jacobs Schartsen according to Page 100 of "Protocol van Bezwaar" had purchased some property in December 1700: "in eigendom overgenomen & voorh.(een) van Peter van Stuijvenberg en Gerritje van Pansier Echtl.(ieden) ongeveer 1 ½ mergen bouwland op den Heuning onder Ochten overgen.(omen) alwaar Oost de pastorij van Ijsendoorn en Ds. Henrich Adriaanse" = took possession of previously owned by Peter van Stuijvenberg en Gerritje Pansier, Husband and Wife, approximately 1 1/2 Morgen [0.477 hectare] cultivating land on the Heuningh under Ochten, the parsonage of Ijsendoorn located East from there and Rev. Henrich Adriaanse. . Rem Rijcken is later referred to as "van den Bergh" spelled with an "h" on pages 157 & 179 of "Protocol van Bezwaar" Ochten, LDS film # 0860493, a description of the location of property purchased by unrelated persons, stating: "below the widow of Rem Rijcken van den Bergh", dated May 1, 1733 & September 7, 1736. Their children use van den Bergh as their last nameas well as the paternal Remme, meaning son of Rem. Was the name "van den Bergh" possibly added because he came from Achterberg? Three of the children's baptism records (Jacob, Rijcske and Gijsbert) could not be found under the records in Ochten, but going by the names used for their respective children (Rem's grandchildren) and other references, they all belong to this family (see also explanationunder children). It is estimated that Rem died at approximately age 69 years, judging by page 151 of Protocol van Bezwaar wherein grandson Remmert van Rhijn, receives an inheritance from his deceasedgrandfather Rem Rijcke's estate.